Mid 20 year old mystical proclamation


Truth is a L.I.E.

liberation into eternity

letting go of attachments all I can hope to do is open up the pathways of healing and let intention effect my manifestation.  Let the pinnacle of love be free and allowed to rest in whatever state it arrives in. Hold onto no thing but your own self acceptance

cycle the worldly fears and come to terms with the ultimate illusion. Face down the seemingly nonexistence of labels and concepts surrounding the most meaningful love you have ever connected through. With one mind release all your fears and relinquish control over the fate that attracts us all. Effortless shows the dynamic display of life in its full glory. No emotion is disturbing. Rejoice with sadness and laughter over the splendor of what cognition you were endowed with.

Death Means Transformation: 

Created atop the horizon, a castle of mental proportions. Archetecture soaking in the light of the boundless direction. It is enlivened through you, the creative fingers of pure energy. What string of words can put the heart at ease. Love will find you again, just as as soon as you capture the flag of nonexistent origin. Humanity as we know is just an illusion of inter dimensional puppets dancing around in an infinite game of their own sadness(passion). Begging us with reluctance to transform past the stage of duality. Everything good and bad, helpful and not is continued within your oneness. As is everything that falls under a spectrum of non-being. You are the totality of every action achieved, non-arising and effortlessness propels the soul stream into a place of timeless and freedom.

Finalizing and conceptualizing the regret of this grand magical wish. To be devoured and still remain free of limitations and burdens is the primordial ground of intention. With nothing truly in focus or at center karma can finally unwind its skillful means to show us our own golden connection. We all share the same fate, which sheads of us our routine perspective and brings us to a equal plane of higher wisdom. The world speaks through each mental fabrication and shows us that living in balance with nature is more than a possible attainment. it is the inherency of our life pattern.

Glancing at the glyphs of alien language our lemon humanity reminds us that one of three destinies awaits us. First is the dreamlike manifestation of your own current self expectation of utopianistic tendency. The second is a life in an alternate timeline in which you fight against your worst dreams reaching fruition. The third final and most esoteric reality tunnel is that of your own self existence. Polarities fight over the human temple and the most helpful gesture becomes to throw your illusionary self into the world of your own fractalized mind. Existing  now becomes more than the living of life. The phenomenon of being  underlines the unification of world and self as a singular structure in love with itself.

Feeling the tides push us away. Black oil stops the moments flow. Ego deception. Finally taking the steps to focus towards my attention, and the distracting factor remains missing and empty. As I breathe I see the middle road of harmony. extra dimensional.Without labels or conception but with feelings of intention. What we say is love is letting go. Life's test brings into focus only those lessons which lead you towards enlightenment. Full of it, we pour our secret mind into the alchemical creation. This is truth's arraignment. No-thing-ness never changes. May I lead myself towards the inner fire- and past my own demons and manifestations of desire. 

The final gatekeeper is the hidden agenda. Of finding how to live meaningfully without expectation. Our world will fall apart one day, and I will embrace both love and fear. Hurdling into the emptiness soulless and nothing I will unify all sentient beings by virtue of my compassion. I embrace and accept all as a part of my collective humanity